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Trin for trin guide til forældre


Her kan du vælge trin-for-trin-guide på 6 forskellige sprog: 

Dansk, English, العربي   ,اردو,  Türk,  Soomaali.




Dansk - Login

Shape Created with Sketch.

Dansk - Opret besked

Shape Created with Sketch.

English - Login

Shape Created with Sketch.

ENGLISH Create Message

Shape Created with Sketch.

ARABIC - ةلاسر ءاشنإ

Shape Created with Sketch.

اردو - ںیرک رایت ماغیپ -

Shape Created with Sketch.

Türkce - Aula’da ilk oturum acilisi

Shape Created with Sketch.

Türkce - Mesaj Oluştur

Shape Created with Sketch.

SOOMAALI - Samee Ogeysiis

Shape Created with Sketch.